Yesterday, I went to a book store in Kumamoto station. I have been looking for a book and finally I found it!! Its name is "Hazakura no sitani kimiwo omouto iukoto". When I was looking for some mystery novel by my iPhone, I found this book. I have not read it but I had been thinking I want to read it because there is all good review. I thought that I should buy this book but after that I searched it in KGU OPAC, I found it in university library. I didn't buy it. Today, I searched it again but it is in lending now. I want to read it as soon as possible.
Recently, I want black knit hat and black muffler and pea coat. However, I have not enough money to buy them. I need a lot of money for coming of age ceremony. I must looking for new part time job. I need money.
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