I have read this stories when I was in kindergarten. I loved reading many books. Especially, I liked The mouse's tale. This story is about two mouse's a mouse living in the countryside and another mouse living in the town. A mouse who living in the countryside went the town with another mouse who living in the town and they ate a lot of delicious food. However, there were many dangerous. A mouse who living in the countryside decided to get back in the countryside. According to this book, this story's moral is A simple, quiet life beats a rich, dangerous one. I like this story even now. However, Aesop's story tell us some important things. We living in the very convenience society and we may lost important things for the life. I think Aesop's story is the good things that inform us the most important things when we are in the bad society. I think we should read a lot of tale for example Japanese folk tale, Aesop. We may remember the feelings of child and realize what is the most important for the life.
Watson, Carol. (2003): Aesop's Fables. London, Usborne.
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