Our society is fulled of electricity and we use it every day, everywhere. However we didn't know about electricity. I didn't know where does it come from. We always use electricity for example, Fan, Hairdryer, Vacuum cleaner and so on. Now, even car run by electricity. We must be grateful to people who invented it. If we lost electricity, we can't live in the modern world. We use it until night and also it is used outdoor light. I will worried if there are no outdoor light because night is so dark. Perhaps we may lost electricity in the future. Then we must live by only candle. I think we should not get used to convenience lifestyle. If we lost them suddenly, probably we can't live. We are grateful them and we should use them carefully. If you know about electricity, you should read it. You will notice how important electricity is.
Claybourne, Anna. (2006): The Shocking Story of Electricity. London, Usborne.
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