This story's heroine is Kae Horii. She is the student of education's university and 20 years old. She has part time job in Imai-Bungu-do. This shop sell fountain pen. She loves it because her father bought it for her. One day she met a man there and his name is Ryuusaku Ishitobi. She fell in love with him.
She lives apartment and one day she found a note in her room. It was the note of previous resident. When she depressed, she always read this note. This note was written by "Ibuki Mano". She was the teacher of elementary school and this note was written last year. Kae also wants to be a teacher of elementary school so she was given a little cheer from this note. Kae's best friend, Hana, studied abroad by the influence of her boyfriend, Kashima. But Kae was said the word of love from him and annoyed. She decided to consider to Ryuusaku and go to see Ibuki who wrote that note. There was a surprising end of this story.
After read it, I cried because it was so sad, beautiful and "Ibuki Mano" was real person. Her model is the sister of this story's author. I can't write my feeling now. I am so happy to be able to read it. I recommend everyone to read it. I borrowed this book from KGU library but I will buy it at book store. I love this story so much. This story is love story and I hated this kind's story but after I read it, I thought I want to read love story more. I could understand Kae's feelings and I was impressed the feelings of Ibuki. When I was in elementary school and junior high school, I wanted to be a teacher of elementary school. I thought it was not good for me to gave up my dream. I wanted to be a teacher and I still thinking of it. But I don't take teaching lesson in university. It's too late to think of it. I wanted to be a woman like Ibuki. She is my longing woman. I want Kae to be a teacher like Ibuki and remember Ibuki and Ryuusaku. I could know other world like that to read it. I want to stay this story's world. If people looking for some novel, I want them to read it. It is the greatest story.
Also, I was interested in fountain pen to read it. I want to have and use it.
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