I have read this story when I was in elementary school. I also have seen this story animation. This story's hero is the Beast and he lived alone. One day Pierre found his house and Pierre ate delicious dinner and slept in the bed. Pierre remembered his daughter said she want to a rose and then he took it from garden. The Beast was angry and he said Pierre to bring his daughter instead of him. Then his daughter, Beauty, started living with him. I like this story because both Beauty and the Beast have clean heart. I realized that we must judge personality rather than appearance. I also thought if we always have a clean heart, we may receive a lot of fortune. I thought it is so important to have a compassion. However, I can play the piano and when I was in junior high school I played "Beauty and the Beast theme" by piano. This song is so beautiful and I want to play it if I can still play the piano.
Stowell, Louie. (2006): Beauty and the Beast. London, Usborne.
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